Daily Doop

Daily Doop: Tough test No. 2, radio show, Casey's curtain call and more

Sheanon celebration

It’s Tuesday, which means back to practice on a high note after a two-day respite from training following Saturday’s huge win over D.C. United.
Spirits are high as another test against a heated rival looms in New York (8 p.m., NBCSN) at Red Bull Arena. As we prep for you for that match over the course of this week, here’s a refresher of some things you may have missed or might not have seen on philadelphiaunion.com. Oh and just a reminder that this Tuesday’s “The 90th Minute” radio program is at Chickie’s and Pete’s in Drexel Hill. The show presented by Farmers Insurance will air from 6-7 p.m. Union goalkeeper Zac MacMath is tonight’s special guest.
Can’t make it out? Listen live on CBS SportsRadio (610-AM). Click here for the live stream.
1. So hot right now. That statement is meant for Union forward Conor Casey who has been on a scoring tear as he bagged his eighth and ninth of the season and picked up where red-hot striker Jack McInerney (@jackmcinerney_9) has left off. In this piece from Union writer Kevin Kinkead (@PhilUnionKevinK), Casey talks his form, the fans and just how he has manages to put one home in every 150.1 minutes of play this season. Read more.
2. As a teamAndy Jasner (@andyjasner) writes that this Union collective continues to use the sting of a loss to fuel their current third place standing. In an interview with Amobi Okugo (@amobisays), the Union defender tells Jasner: “Some guys should have worn extra shin guards because that’s how crazy it was at practice. Once we step off the field, we’re good friends. Me and Jack (McInerney) got into it. A couple other guys got into it. Once you step off the field, it’s all good. We took that energy and put it to good use against D.C. United.” Read more.
3.Soccer school. In the foreseeable future, the Union in conjunction with YSC Sports is set to announce the opening of a soccer school that coincides with a completely revamped academy system and curriculum. Along with academy director Tommy Wilson who recently sat down with us for this two-part Q&A, the Union hired three coaches to head its U18, U16 and U14 academy progams. On Tuesday, we caught up with U18 coach Peter Fuller, who has coached in every level of soccer, but explains why coaching on the youth level is best. Read more.
4.Get some goals. Union strength coach Kevin Miller’s latest “Goal Oriented” blog post focuses on the ladies this week, specifically high school female athletes looking to maximize their potential without burning out or getting hurt. Miller provides some great tips here. Read more.
Miller is also a featured columnist on Sports Docs, a comprehensive health and fitness blog on Philly.com. To get tips tricks and insight from Miller and more visit philly.com/philly/health/
5. Odds and endlines. Former PPL Park club chef Adrian Young recently accepted an executive chef position with his parent company Ovations in Hartford, Conn.  Check out Young’s story  in this piece…Also, thanks to everyone that took part in the designated driver drive in the Plaza during Saturday’s game. Took a picture at the event and would like to submit it? Upload it to the “Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk” page on Facebook here…Union manager John Hackworth’s press conference is tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. To watch LIVE click here. Lastly, still time to vote Union defender Sheanon Williams (@sheanonwilliams) in for MLS Save of the Week, so watch Sheanon’s crazy save off the line and vote here.
Contact Union writer Kerith Gabriel at kgabriel@philadelphiaunion.com