
A fulfilling partnership

Eat right

The Philadelphia Union is proud to be joining forces with the Independence Blue Cross Foundation.  During a press conference held at the People for People Charter School in Philadelphia, the Blue Cross Foundation announced the launching of the "Healthy Futures" initiative.  The initiative has three objectives which are “Eat Right”, “Get Fit” and “Stay Well”.  Also joining the Healthy Futures initiative is the Vetri Foundation for Children and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
The pilot program for the “Get Fit” objective will focus on children in the fourth grade in southeastern Pennsylvania.  The goal will be to improve awareness of the importance of fitness and physical activity as well as recognize and reward children who have achieved fitness and health goals.  One of the ways the Union plan to help with this initiative will be setting up soccer-related activities and exercise for the students both indoors and outdoors.  The Union will also be going into the classroom to speak to the students about the importance of physical activity at school as well as outside of school.
The “Eat Right” objective will implement an “Eatiquette” program at five local schools over the next two years.  This program has already had success at the People for People Charter School.  This program helps train schools on the preparation of nutritious meals for children in a family dining-style setting.  In addition, the objective will work to improve schools preventive health screening rates, which is aimed at reducing the days children miss school due to diabetes, asthma and unmanaged chronic illnesses
The Union is excited to join efforts like Healthy Futures to help reverse the childhood obesity epidemic.  We aspire to reach more children and help decrease their risks for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, strokes in addition to certain types of cancers and osteoarthritis. 
To learn more about "Healthy Futures," click here.